So many greens to choose from!
I began experimenting with this combination of greens for soups because I am not a fan of green juices, I found them too hard for my stomach.
In Bali, where I leave many months per year, green juices are very fashionable, also in my restaurant, but sometime even if the temperature is very hot, you still need something more soothing in your belly!
Since I eat mostly plant based food , my meals always include proteins in different forms!
This creamy soup is easy to digest, nutritious and easy to make.
Use different combinations of greens in different seasons to vary the minerals and vitamins content, use different kinds of nuts or seeds to make the plant based milk!
This is my choice of ingredients for 4 people
500 gr of leafy greens: kale, spinach, chard etc …
1/2 cup of fresh herbs : parsley and celery leaves are my choice
1/4 cup of cashew nuts ( or use 1 cup of already made nut milk of your choice)
1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast ( great source of B12 )
salt and olive oil (or ghee)
2 cups of water
For a more exotic flavor use this spices
1/2 teaspoon of coriander seeds
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder
1/2 teaspoon of ginger powder
For a Mediterranean flavor use
1/4 teaspoon of dried thyme
1/4 teaspoon of dried oregano
The grated rind of 1 organic lemon
Some lemon to squeeze on top
A pinch of black pepper
Soak the cashews in 1 and 1/2 cup of water overnight and blend in the morning ( change the water and replace) or if you like it a bit more grainy, blend and use as it is.
Gently temper the spices in the ghee or olive oil until they release the fragrance.
Add the cashew milk and simmer for a few minutes, add 2 extra cups of water and the greens except the fresh herbs. Boil for 3 or 4 minutes not more or the greens will lose the vibrant color, then add the nutritional yeast, the salt and the herbs.
Blend with an immersion blender, directly from the pot and serve.
For the Mediterranean version stir fry the oregano and thyme in olive oil, add the cashew milk and all the rest like the previous instructions. At the end add the lemon rind and blend . Serve with a lemon wedge on the side.