I love this delicious edible flower bud from the thistle family
In Italy at the moment it is just becoming available, and this is the first of a series of recipes that I cook with the spiky variety.
The Cynara Cardunculus artichoke is native to northern Africa and was already grown by the Greeks for its medicinal virtues. It was introduced into Europe by the Arabs as early as the 14th century and illustrations of it can be found in the paintings of Arcimboldo. Even Queen Catherine de Medici was a great fan of artichokes!
It is widely grown in southern Italy, in the Bay of Paestum, Naples and Sicily. There are two varieties in the south, the Romanesco, without thorns, and, further north in Liguria and Sardinia, the Spinosa Sardo which is more pointy and has thorns.
Ingredients for 4 people
3 potatoes
4 artichokes (not the Roman ones, the ones with the thorns!)
The juice of 1 lemon and its grated rind
1 sliced onion
A couple of garlic cloves
1 teaspoon of dried oregano
50 gr grated pecorino cheese
Oil, salt and pepper QB (to your taste!)
Clean the artichokes and cut them into 6 to 8 wedges (remove the beard!)
Put them immediately in water and lemon so they do not blacken.
Peel and cut the potatoes into 6 to 8 pieces, depending on the size of the potatoes.
Slowly sauté the crushed garlic and the onion with olive oil, (about 5 tablespoons), in a shallow large pan until the onion is translucent.
Add the potatoes, artichokes, salt, oregano, lemon rind and cook all together for 5 minutes.
Add a glass of hot water, cover with a lid and cook over low heat for about 20 minutes until the potatoes are soft.
Turn on the grill of the oven, place everything in a baking pan, sprinkle with pecorino and grill it for 5 minutes, don’t get distracted and check it often as it can become too dry and burn quickly!
Add freshly ground pepper and dish up.
Health benefit of artichokes
In addition to being a fat free and low-sodium food, artichokes are high in antioxidants folate, vitamin C and K,they provide important minerals, iron, magnesium and potassium.
They contain more protein than many other vegetables , they are high in fibers, and great for constipation!
Artichoke leaf extract may protect your liver from damage and help with the production of bile , which helps remove toxins from your system.
Warning: The leaves of the artichoke make the milk curdle for the mothers who are breastfeeding!